Windows 7 "Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon" group policy
Hey guys searching searching searching but didnt found the asnwer. The problem we have alot of users and since 2 months we have 40 pc running windows 7. Most of them work perfect (after alot of coding) but we run into some problems. Some pc`s dont run the computer startupscript, we made a policy to run the computer script but on some computers it doenst work. All the pc are the same, have the same security groups. We have another policy "Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon" and we have the policy " Run startup scripts synchronously" So again everything works on most computers but some just don`t wait for the network, they skip the policy because the network isn`t ready yet? Whats happening here? Update: ok so i figured out that if i add a reg setting (or policy) that it works but i have to wait for 25 sec before the network is ready, were all on the same network some people have no problems some do. regsetting: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon "GpNetworkStartTimeoutPolicyValue"=dword:00000019 Its 25 seconds right nog if i put it to 24 sec the startup computerscript isnt triggered! at 25 seconds it works! So its odd that some pc have no problem and some have to wait for 25 seconds before everything works..... Is there a retry option in AD before it tries to push the policy again after it failed the first time?
January 25th, 2011 8:26am

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